PAM U2F enables the use of FIDO2 keys for system login. Here’s a brief introduction on how to configure PAM U2F for use with FIDO2 keys on Debian/Ubuntu.
As of april 2020, the latest version released pam_u2f-1.0.8 is not working as intended. Make sure to use the latest github source. At least these commits are required : 23a099 and de9731.
~# apt install pamu2fcfg libpam-u2f
Configuration is specified in /etc/pam.d/pamu2f
auth [success=1 system_err=ignore] quiet type=auth /usr/local/sbin/ auth required authfile=.ssh/u2f_keys [prompt=Please insert your FIDO2 device, then press ENTER.] interactive cue [cue_prompt=Please touch your FIDO2 device now.] nodetect
Note: these are two separate, long lines.
The first line makes PAM skip the pam-u2f line in case a user is logging in remotely (remote U2F authentication is feasible now, see openssh-2fa-fido2). However, local services wouldn’t be authenticating via pam-u2f any further. That’s what the second line is mitigating.
Create a shell script which is determining local remote login in /usr/local/sbin/
#!/usr/bin/env bash ip="$(last -i -p now "${PAM_TTY#/dev/}" | head -1 | sed 's/.* \([[:digit:]]\+\.[[:digit:]]\+\.[[:digit:]]\+\.[[:digit:]]\+\) .*/\1/g')"; if test "$ip" != ""; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi;
PAM U2F requires a token mapping file, i.e. .ssh/u2f_keys. It can be a global (read: system-wide) file containing tokens for all users (which is just impractical). Rather, make it a per-user token mapping file, i.e. create ~/.ssh/u2f_keys — even so PAM U2F isn’t restricted to ssh authentication only– with this syntax:
The key can be obtained by registering the U2F key via pamu2fcfg. Plug in your U2F key, start the registration process and press/touch the button:
~# pamu2fcfg >> ~/.ssh/u2f_keys
To register multiple keys for a single user, edit the file (~/.ssh/u2f_keys) so that the one single line follows the syntax given above.
HINT: BEFORE testing your new PAM settings, open one or two additional root shells. Just in case you need to deactivate a non-functional PAM configuration. You’ve been warned. 😉
For the next pam-u2f release support for OpenSSH 2FA FIDO2 is scheduled. For those of you seeking support for OpenSSH and 2FA with TOTP, look here.