We like to scrum what we do. Our agile methodologies applied are rather SCRUM-ish than textbook scrum. Agile nonetheless, we add some eXtreme Programming schemes to the mix and spice it up with a grain of Kanban-style elements as needed. We experiment and adjust to the better.

Before driving home any actual application code we drive tests first (TDD) which will ensure code compliance and consistency throughout the whole project lifecycle. Work upfront, this results in far less regressions, more confidence in the code and its factual compliance with what it actually is supposed to realise. We frecently (frequently and recently) refactor our codebase and strive to write Clean Code.

Together with the product owner we establish what needs to be done at what point in time. Those needs are translated into user stories which will be prioritized and estimated. Here our focus lies on ballparking as any software development deals with duration ranges rather than immutable cycles, this is integral to agile software development. Product backlog and story (re-)prioritization are part of a constant flow as well.

There are situations where yield increases while limiting WIP at any stage. Identifying those may reduce cycle time while circumnavigating roadblocks ahead.

Frequent and early releases are inherent (lean) goals for our development cycles (sprints). To be able to focus on productivity, we leverage Continuous Integration (CI) and Delivery (CD) tools.


Feel free to talk to us about how your project can come to life!

In short, we strive to achieve and adhere to the following goals and principles:

Once in a while we face the curious question about brownfield projects and test coverage. It is far too common for a project to (more or less covertly) develop a technical debt leading to the progress to stagnate or threatening the project to fail entirely. In this case, a rigourous approach implementing some or more of the measures SCRUM and XP provide may be successfull in keeping the project more in line or even rescue the outcome, your business idea! As always, please, get in touch with us if you face a situation, we might be able to work this out.