Monitoring with munin is an easy way to keep track of things.

Sometimes a plugin fails to run. In this case it’s about apt_all. Some debian repository previously used is no longer available, which apt_all keeps yelling at us every time it is run: testing-security. It is no longer. Check it with:

munin-run apt_all 10 1
E: The value 'testing-security' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not available in the sources

The repository sources configured in /etc/apt/sources.d.conf/deb.conf are (amongst others):

deb testing-security main contrib non-free

munin plugins are enabled symlinking them in /etc/munin/plugins/ from /usr/share/munin/plugins/. So, the above error can be remedied editing /etc/munin/plugins/apt_all:

In line 102:

# The security updates are named like "buster/updates". The first part (before the
# slash) is sufficient to mach these packages.
$release_name =~ s|/updates$||;

just add

$release_name =~ s|-security$||;

to filter out the security repository making apt_all choke. Ideally, this would not have happened in the first place and if so, the debian package should get a timely update. But there we are. At least it’s not balking at us any longer every time apt_all is run.

Looking for a way to monitor wireless clients connected to a hostapd access-point? Look no further: munin plugin for monitoring hostapd wireless clients.